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Prof. P History 2010 07 September 2010 The Great Depression: America, 1929-1941 This book was composed by Mc Elvaine in 1993. ...
Friday, December 27, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Political System Of The United States - 1053 Words
Roger Darlington has said that the United States is the most powerful nation on earth; politically, economically and militarily(1). Even though the U.S. is the second largest democracy in the world, India being the first, it is considered rare, compared to other systems in the world. Where did the founders of the U.S. get their ideas for the political system we have today? The U.S. political system is made up of many components and there are several factors the contributed to what the U.S. political system is today. Such as, where the foundations of the U.S. government came from, the American idea of government, the characteristics of American society and political culture, and the values and principles of American democracy. The founding fathers were wise and had great experience in politics and government, however they could not produce ideas for a political system of a country by just using their wisdom and experience. The founding fathers needed to look at history to find some answers. One aspect that the founding fathers explored was the government systems of ancient Greece and Rome. Aristotle and the Greeks were the first to propose the idea of natural law. The system of direct, rather than representative democracy, was developed in Athens, Greece. In Athens, citizens directly governed themselves. They were allowed to participate in debates, voting, and law-making. The next part of history that the founding fathers observed was the philosophers that lived during theShow MoreRelatedThe United States Political System935 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States political system is dominated by an intense battle for power. Those who have control, have the ability to influence the way our nation is operat ed. While every citizen has the opportunity to impact politics, some citizens and groups are at a disadvantage. In America, we struggle to ensure that every individual has a chance to equally participate in the political process. Although anyone can run for political office in the United States, the cost of a campaign is expensive. ThroughoutRead MoreThe Political System Of The United States2164 Words  | 9 PagesExtended Essay Rough Draft The political system of the United States of America is based upon democratic and republican principles, giving birth to the representative democracy that is our government today. Over the many years since the founding of the nation and our first president, George Washington, politics has separated itself into factions, more commonly called parties, based on common and shared beliefs, religion, and ideals. The development of these parties has encouraged corruption toRead MoreThe Political System Of The United States1813 Words  | 8 PagesJefferson, an American Founding Father once wrote that â€Å"design activity and political thought are indivisible,†stating that architecture acts as a vital instrument in conveying political image. In this case, the prominent symbols of government in any polity would be the national parliamentary buildings as they demonstrate faith in the cultural identity of a nation internally as well as foreign country. Likewise, United States of Ame rica is known as a land of democracy and the Congress House of U.SRead MoreThe Political System Of The United States Essay1364 Words  | 6 Pagesparties are movements that quickly â€Å"sting†and influence American politics dramatically before fading away, leaving behind a two-party system. 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This is argued in Thomas Edison’s 10th federalist paper in which he states, â€Å"If a faction consists of less than aRead MoreThe United States And Danish Political System1777 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction In recent debates, immigrants have become a hot topic of conversation in both the United States and Danish political system. Jesper Luthman explained, healthcare is politics because of (in)equality in healthcare delivery and methods of prioritizing the multitude of health services offered. With the 2016 United States’ presidential election approaching, policies surrounding refugees and healthcare have been major topics of debate. Similarly, Denmark has been dealing with accommodationRead MoreMedia Influence Political System On The United States967 Words  | 4 PagesMedia influence Political System Media has influence the political system many different ways in the United States. Talking about politics, it is very complicated because there are so many public opinions. Not knowing which candidate is lying or passing a bill and not knowing what is on it. Because most Americans own a smartphone, social media is so enormous and having access to almost anything. While Americans are on the internet, watching television, and listening to the radio or even reading theRead MoreIran s Political System Of The United States950 Words  | 4 PagesA combination of Islamic theocracy with democracy makes Iran’s political system one of the most complex and unusual political system of the world. The clerical regime with a highly complicated government structure has known as an adversary of the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East. While the historical hostility between the countries, is more than the Iran’s nuclear program, but now the center of debates, is Iran’s nucle ar program. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has reduced tensionsRead MoreThe Separation of Powers in the United States Political System612 Words  | 3 PagesThe Separation of Powers in the United States Political System In the 18th Century, the French philosopher Montesquieu, who had been one of the inspirations behind the French Revolution, argued that limitation would be necessary within government within government in order to avoid tyranny. He identified the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary as the four braches of government which needed to be separated. To do this, he suggested the Separation of Powers, a Read MoreRole Of An Interest Group On The United States And. Texas Political System Essay1143 Words  | 5 Pageson a large public group, such as family and friends of public school-aged children in the United States. Clive S. Thomas states, The most important lobbying forces in any society are the various entities of government: national, regional, and local government agencies and institutions such as the military (Thomas). The role of an interest group in the United States and/or Texas political system is creating a relationship with the staff of congress. This relationship provides a window
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Uber San Francisco California
Question: Discuss about the Uberfor San Francisco California. Answer: Introduction: A dynamic leadership is a main source for development and running of cooperate giant. The secret of the success of any company depends upon the art of leadership, its style of working and strategy. It is the spirit of leader that keeps on motivating everyone all the time. Most companies provide its policies planning programs and its objectives. Some cultural conclusions from leadership approaches are; the quality of employees is very important for business growth (Isaac Mostovicz, Kakabadse, Kakabadse, 2009). If the employees are skilful, honest, dedicated and sincere then they give excellent results in any given situations as compared to unskilled, less motivated and less dedicated workforce. A better coordination between various departments of a company also helps the company not only to gain financially but also improves effective and efficient management (Isaac Mostovicz, Kakabadse, Kakabadse, 2009). The inner strength of the company is to define the mission, the objectiveness and strategies correctly and to get all the basic assumptions right at the start of any company, with its dealings and practices must not only be fair but also be just. UBER and its Organisational Aspects: It is a phenomenon which was started in the year 2009 with its headquarters in San Francisco California (USA).It has become an international transport company. The idea to form such a company was conceptualized by Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick. Who had a vision "Where lifestyle meets logistics (UBER, 2017). By the year 2015 UBER services have spread over 58 countries, 300 cities worldwide. UBER has been the pioneer in giving a new dimension in transportation (UBER, 2017). UBER has brought its services on the tip of the finger of its customers who with a mere touch on the Uber app on its Smartphone can easily access to the world of UBER Code of Conduct UBER has set up for its self-certain guidelines which are very useful and important for the safety and security of its passengers. UBER also ensures every client of its treated with humility and care and has a zero tolerance policy towards discrimination on the basis of sex, colour, caste, creed or religion and also for physical disabilities which are protected by federal law (Ou, Hsu, 2013). The policies of Uber are such which will not tolerate the indecent and violent behaviour of any driver or passenger. There should be mutual humility and respect between drivers and passengers under the company rules it is not allowed and is not appreciated by the company that the drivers and passengers to make personal queries and physical proximity and physical contacts are the complete numbers. The future of the organization is very bright and secure with regards to its financial health and good will as it is aiming and striving to increase its clients and customer base by 30% to 40% every month and worldwide (Nasri, Zarai, 2013). UBER has left its competitors far-far behind and is using social media like face book and twitter to influence its present and future customers and highlight its major services. The main objective of the company is to reach out to its customers within a period of fewer than ten minutes from the time of request call made to them through their app (Peri?, Marki?, Peri?, 2016). The company has employed in its service a team of dedicated, sincere, loyal and honest staff members who are striving and working 24x7 hours and 365 days to keep it much -much ahead of its competitors and rivals. UBER believes that its staff forces at the top and bottom level of management are its main assets and backbone of its organization ("Uber Technologies Inc: Company Profile - Bloomberg", 2017). UBER has now become a market leader in the field of transportation. It is highly rated in the field of customer satisfaction among its compotators. The company is planning to start its operations in 18 to 25 countries within a span of one year. UBER has prepared itself to face and overcome any obstacles in its path of achieving this goal. Even with its short time experience, it has really excelled in this field ("Uber Technologies Inc: Company Profile - Bloomberg", 2017). Swot Analysis of UBER The company, on one hand, provides reasonable excellent and easy to use and convenient transport to its customer. With it's easy to use an app it helps its customers to book get a taxi from anywhere and at what price you will pay depending on their destination(Tsalikis, Peralta, 2017). The customer also has the facility to track its journey and can make payment through credit debit cards of any bank. All the above activities can be done on smart phones with a mere touch of a finger. And gone are the days when one had to wave his or her hand to hail a taxi standing on the side of the road (Quesada, Gazo, 2007). This service provides direct interaction between the passenger and the driver and there is no role of the dispatcher. Cars greatest benefit of UBER is the reasonable price with maximum comfort and connivance as compared to other taxi operators. There is the rating system whereby the passengers can make choice of cars and verified drivers before undertaking a ride (Ng, Kee, 2012). The major drawback that UBER is facing in its progress is that it skirts rules and regulations laid done by the local authorities which have led to fines imposed on the company. Price Surging The major factor which has majorly contributed to its growth is price surging that is the prices of the rides go up with the increase in demand. This surge in prices creates a problem to some of its riders ("Uber Resources for Media Professionals", 2017). UBER sends out a warning for the price rise as the demand increases. UBER rides are still reasonable for rides in luxury cars at a mere touch of a Smartphone ("Uber Resources for Media Professionals", 2017). UBER today has eaten away a major share of business of small and medium taxi operators The use UBER taxi service has become so convenient and easy that people are no longer interested in owning their private car. Seeing the future potential and with the view to make maximum profits number of private car owners have now collaborated with UBER (Attia, Boubetra, Saoud, 2014). The company with a view to diversifying its business into a field of ice cream bbq and roses on valentine day it has given a new dimension to its business. Benefits to Customers Uber has set a new benchmark for customer satisfaction in the business of cab hiring. They are not only providing taxi services at economical prices but also with a lot of comfort and convenience and also accepting payments through credit/debit cards from their customers besides cash. It gives its quality services and satisfied customers at the economical price (Attia, Boubetra, Saoud, 2014). By giving personalized services to its old and new customers and develop long term business relations with them and in terms of customer satisfaction UBER is far -far ahead of its competitors and rivals. UBER aims to be a leader in embracing new technologies, product innovations/market intelligence etc and offering competitive end to end solutions to customers at globally competitive prices with effective supply chain management (Sheard, 2009). Conclusion The main objective of UBER is to give its clients a safe, comfortable, convenient and economical journey and increase its customer base by many folds in the world over. The motto of UBER is to attract its clients through quality. The companys vision is to create an inexpensive and effective mode of transportation in this modern world. The employees of the company are various. Levels of Management from Top to Bottom work as a team to meet world class standards and targets for its services (Ushakov, Arkhipov, 2014). The company keenly and aggressively works 24x7, 365 days to meet their goals and targets of excellence, however, high they may be. The sincere, keen and dedicated team of UBER has given UBER a global edge over its competitors and rivals. The company spectrum of management styles, work culture is the main driving force behind UBER success story. The name and good will Uber has created for itself globally in such a short span of time has made this company rank among the top ranked companies is this category of business. It has created a revolution in the field of public and private transportation and logistics. The company has achieved unparalleled success globally with its spirit of teamwork and togetherness and has achieved the pinnacle of success. References Attia, S., Boubetra, A., Saoud, M. (2014). Decision Making Issues Related to Critical Infrastructures Interdependencies Management.Journal Of Advances In Computer Networks,2(1), 1-5. Gordini, N. (2010). Market-Driven Management: A Critical Literature Review.Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (2). Huie, C. (2016). Perceptions of Business Intelligence Professionals about Factors Related to Business Intelligence input in Decision Making.International Journal Of Business Analytics,3(3), 1-24. Isaac Mostovicz, E., Kakabadse, N., Kakabadse, A. (2009). A dynamic theory of leadership development.Leadership Organization Development Journal,30(6), 563-576. Nasri, W., Zarai, M. (2013). Key Success Factors for Developing Competitive Intelligence in Organisation.American Journal Of Business And Management,2(3). Ng, H., Kee, D. (2012). The Issues and Development of Critical Success Factors for the SME Success in a Developing Country.International Business Management,6(6), 680-691. Ou, Y., Hsu, L. (2013). How Does Corporate Reputation Affect Innovative Performance?.International Business Research,6(12). Peri?, A., Marki?, M., Peri?, M. (2016). The impact of socially responsible management standards on the business success of an organisation.Total Quality Management Business Excellence, 1-13. Quesada, H., Gazo, R. (2007). Methodology for determining key internal business processes based on critical success factors.Business Process Management Journal,13(1), 5-20. Sheard, S. (2009). Continental Philosophy and Organisational Studies.Philosophy Of Management,7(3), 43-59. Sign Up to Drive or Tap and Ride. (2017).Uber.com. Retrieved 15 April 2017, from https://uber.com Singh, P., Twalo, T. (2014). The Impact Of Internal Organizational Factors On The Inappropriate Job Performance And Behaviour Of Employees: A Case Study.International Business Economics Research Journal (IBER),13(5), 939. Tsalikis, J., Peralta, A. (2017). Priming effects on business ethical decision making.Priming Effects On Business Ethical Decision Making,01(01). Uber Resources for Media Professionals. (2017).Uber.com. Retrieved 16 April 2017, from https://www.uber.com/en-IN/media/ Uber Technologies Inc: Company Profile - Bloomberg. (2017).Bloomberg. Retrieved 16 April 2017, from https://www.bloomberg.com/profiles/companies/0084207D:US-uber-technologies-inc Ushakov, D., Arkhipov, A. (2014). Urban Business Systems' Globalization: Factors, Forms and Economic Impact.Research Journal Of Business Management,8(3), 189-202.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Lab Report on Heredity of eye colour Sample
Lab Report on Heredity of eye colour Paper Diagram: Brown eye Black eye Method: Call up my relatives. Ask their eye color. Record their answers in the table below. Analyze the data and graph it. Analyze my graph and conclude which eye color is dominant. Scientific Inquiry and Processing Data (Criteria D E) Data Collection: Family member Eye color Father Brown Mother Brother Black Uncle (Mothers brother) Grandmother (Mothers side) Aunt (Fathers sister #1) Aunt (Fathers sister #2) Aunt (Fathers sister #3) Aunt (Fathers sister #4) Data Processing : Total number of people surveyed: 9 People with brown eyes: 6 People with black eyes: 3 Males with brown eyes: 2 Females with brown eyes: 4 Males with black eyes: 1 Females with black eyes: 2 Percentage of brown eyes in my family: Percentage of males with brown eyes in my family: Percentage of females with brown eyes in my family: Percentage of black eyes in my family: Percentage of males with black eyes in my family: Percentage of females with black eyes in my family: From the data above, we obtain the following pie charts and pedigree chart: Conclusion: After evaluating my data and graphs, I conclude that brown eyes are dominant in y family as compared to other eye color which is just black. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report on Heredity of eye colour specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report on Heredity of eye colour specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report on Heredity of eye colour specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I also find that the females in my family are more probable to inherit brown eyes as compared to males. The same is observed with black eyes. Evaluation: think that my experiment went very well. The graphs and processing of the data is accurate. However, the limitations of this experiment were that I was not able to obtain the data of fathers parents and my mothers father because they were deceased. Also, I could have included myself in the data to have a wider database.
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